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Wednesday, September 09, 2009 ; 1:03 AM

i cant help but feel upset about this..
To all Jaebeom antis.,
this is just my personal feelings..

Netizens just like myself, alone., cannot harm anyone...
But if there are thousands of netizens agreeing on smth against someone for example., it can cause suicides that are often seen nowadays..

2pm's jay made a comment 4yrs ago during his trainee days.. everyone who's a kpop fan would noe how training is like for them.. unsure if they would be able to debut.. training everyday without knowing if u'll really make it.. wad made things worse for jay? He's not used to the environment., everyone's a stranger to him., he's not used to the food and etc.. some people just can adapt to different environments quicker than others..

he's made an apology for wad he had done.. im sure many koreans would be upset at the comments he has made.. but cant he be forgiven.?

Angry netizens had a petition for him to commit suicide.? Isnt it too harsh.???
he took responsibility for his actions.. he left the group and left korea.. heartbreaking..

He's too talented to just leave like that.. the years of training all gone down the drain.. im not trying to make this dramatic., but his mom is sure feeling very heartbroken..

and im sure he wasnt made 2pm's leader for nothing..
the breakdancing., the witty side of him on variety shows., the really good dancing.. good singing.. leading 2pm..

He acheived his dream 1 year ago after years of training.. and after being in the spotlight for only 1 year and slowly learning how to manage it., he has to leave..

Now., i think many would feel the same way i do.. empty..

Monday, August 10, 2009 ; 4:08 AM

Its been ard 3 months since ive blogged..
amazing how tme passes so quickly..
its 4am in the morning now.. and its another sleepless night for me.. its just insomnia~~ oooHooo oOoh~~
the exams are around the corner and i cant get myself to start studying..
my mind seems pretty confused these days.. i wake up not knowing wad im supposed to do for the day..
life is definitely not boring.. im the one making life boring..

everybody in this world are selfish people.. they only care about "me, myself and i" why.?

ugly duckling turning into a swan?
a beautiful piece of art can actually be moulded from dirty clay.?
im starting to really like dancing..
but can i.?

Lois Chan!! Learn to accept!

song for the day: by SNSD taeyeon - If

Monday, May 11, 2009 ; 10:16 PM

Finally i feel that things are falling into place and im feeling better than how ive suffered for the past few weeks..

Lucky i have my lovely patient friends around me who have been tolerating my bad temper and random shouting..

School work is once again coming to us 1 by 1 and piling up.. presentations., practical assessments as well as theory.. its giving me a whole lot of headache.. hai..

My mind is full of songs right now..

Sorry sorry sorry sorry
naega naega naega meonjo
nege nege nege ppajeo
ppajeo ppajeo beoryo baby


again & again & again & again
Nuh ehgeh jaggoo dolaga
weh geurunji molla
weh geurunji molla
Again & again & again & again
Nuh eh maleh ddo soga
weh geurunji molla
weh geurunji molla

turning in my head..
OMG~ lois.. wad're you thinking about when you're supposed to be thinking about sch work.!!?!?!?!?!

its not like im trying to be materialistic or smth now., but there are some things that i really wanna buy.. hahahaa..

1. sports shoes
2. bag (backpack kind)
3. handphone
4. heels
5. thsk dvd
6. my hair needs treatment
7. judo gi

Outings i owe due to lack of free time:

- kbox-ing with qiuling and fren
- esplanade-ing with dansen (june)
- chilling with jeff and nick-y

people i miss:
- my darling si rong..!!!


pls spare me some time~

Sunday, March 15, 2009 ; 6:22 PM

Few songs im hooked onto these days..

Super junior 3rd album - sorry sorry
Neyo - Because of you
Rain - i do
Jolin - Real man

its 2 weeks into attachment.. the first week was rather relaxing cuz all we had to do was observe how things were done in the polyclinic.. during my short 1 week stay there i met frens that i havent seen for a long time.. kai jing and haja..!! lols.. they were sick i guess.. not long after., i met kaijing for a "Ktv Session" with qiuling too... TOTALLY CRAZY..!! hahahaha.. the 3 of us werent singing properly.. just screaming into the mics most of the time and the duets between qiuling and me went totally OFF... hahaha.. but who cares anyway.. we had fun.. even when the time was up and no songs were played., kaijing and qiuling just kept singing on & on & on.. i LMAO-ed..hahaha..

i went to xiaozhu's autograph session with VERY LITTLE ENERGY left in me after work.. haha.. but i met up with a friend whom i havent seen in more than a year..
attachments in hospitals are always enjoyable.. looking at patients make me realise how lucky i am.. sometimes i feel hopeless when i dont understand patients or cannot do anything more to help them.. sometimes its as if you really can feel the pain on yourself.. im working with new friends.. since my classmates are all in another ward.. luckily i already have darren and azmi for company since i met them during the polyclinic attachment..
each day in the ward is seriously soooo interesting that when i come back from work i can tell mummy all the interesting things that happened for more than an hour.. although the work is tiring., each day that passes is sooooo fun.. oh ya.!! my bro called me from indo..!! he called just when i was having my break from work.. i remembered that that call seriously made me happy for the day since i was having some problems that day..
gran doesnt like me being a nurse.. haha.. why do people think that being a nurse is all about cleaning up people's shit and changing diapers and all that.? i dont think so.. its soo much more than that.. anyways.. who cares about what they think about nursing anyways.. its my choice.. since mama and daddy is fine with it., its fine already..
results are going to be released in another 2 days.. making me feel scared once again.. i really gotta make it this time.. but Lois deserves this dont she..? lols.. like what people is always saying, "always playing and always not serious in what shes doing.. ".. yepp.. thats me i guess..

Monday, February 23, 2009 ; 11:07 PM

Celebrated li han's birthday.!! poor thing.. li han's birthday comes once every 4 years..
we ate together at yuki n yaki.. nice food.!! hahahaha..
the daddies for the day were jaya and xiang jian sial..
especially xiang jian..
he's always.. 'what you wanna eat.?? pork., fish, chicken, beef??' hahahaa.. he and prathab did all the cooking.. the 2 of them kept cooking and not eating.. so food that comes onto my plate will be fed into jaya's mouth "with love" from Lois(see how nice am i even tho jaya disfigured my face.?! haha joking oni~).. haha..

i dun understand why jaya wanted the prawn in this picture... lolss.. and xiang jian., forever hating pictures..

cynthia always running around the 3 tables trying to get food.. hahaha.. cute sial..

waaaaaaa.. making ice cream..!!

my hp's bright bright flash's able to cover the abrasions given to me on my face "with love" by jaya.. ahahaha..

why does alex look unhappy in the picture... the abrasions slightly seen on my face.. i wont blame jaya anymore for it since he cooked for me..!! hahahaha.. joking~

Friday, February 20, 2009 ; 11:55 PM

Yesterday was pretty fun.. i went out with my mama who's been couped up at home for so long that i feel bored for her.. ahhaha.. so i brought her out.. she's the one who actually wanted to go to carefour.. but we din go there in the end..

went to marina square.. looked around.. is marina square becoming ghost town or smth.? its soooo quiet..

i ate soooo much yesterday.. the food made my day... LOLS.. i ate kimchi soup.. its the first time eating it.. i poured the bowl of rice into the soup and ate it.. nice nice..

after a long walk in marina square.. i brought mummy to the esplanade and sat near the waters.. haha.. we just sat there and talked for quite some time.. i told her that this is how i spend my days out.. haha.. isnt it interesting.?? (=.=')

sun setting... ..

this was a picture taken last year.. hahaha.. there was only one building..

now theres 2 buildings.. built so quickly..

i cam-whored there actually.. its been a long time since i cam-whored..

i really look like mummy dont i..?? hahaha..

we got the same nose., the same "sad eyebrows".. ahahaha..

i bought some cotton candy to eat.. and by that time it was already dark..

i wanted to continue some cam-whoring with sissy..
so i smiled nicely and cos she said the flash's too bright, she didnt wanna look at the camera..

so i followed suit and started making faces instead of taking proper pictures.. hahaha..

jie always has her eyes closed in all the pictures cos the flash is tooo bright(i dun think the flash was that bright..)..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ; 8:47 PM

nothing better to do for now~

random picture spam once again..

DONT UNDERSTAND why i take pictures with you guys yet they cant be put up.. (-.-")

guess which is me?

what's with me loving this "kiss" facial expression when taking pics sial.. hahaha..

OF COS.., my bro gotta be included..

my "far-yet-so-near" friends..

forever crazy when the 2 of us meet..


the "kiss" from me again.. i look more like a fish though.. d cam whoring in da tooolet..

this is what we usually do in class.?



quite sometime ago.. found this interesting.. the 3 of us in this picture, are totally doing different things., showing different expressions.. wad the~~ i remember that we were in the sauna when this was taken..

most recent.. ECP trip with the gals..

; 7:04 PM

the exam blues.. OVER~

im going to enjoy this short period of holiday before attachment.. hees..


while tidying up my cupboard just now i dropped my bottle of medicine.. $$$$ flying away cuz of my carelessness.. duh~ the bottle broke and my whole floor became a pool.. i picked up and threw the big pieces of shattered glass and used a towel to clean up the rest.. DAMMIT..! while washing the towel, some shattered pieces were stuck to the towel and i cut my hand.. (-.-")

just now in the mrt, i couldnt stand this auntie who sat beside me.. in that crowded mrt., she kept standing and sitting and standing and sitting.. when we reached city hall, she pushed everybody who was in her way to get out of the mrt.. i was staring at that auntie for sooo long that once my babe saw my expression, she blocked that auntie on purpose.!! hahaha.. what a meannie.!

ive just realised i just cant be bothered towards some things/people now.. whats the use of saying things again and again and again when u nod and say understand, but 2 seconds later i find out that you totally didnt get what i said OR just dont wanna see things from my point of view.. AND SO., i just end up shutting up my mouth and accepting whatever is being said even if im being wrongged or smth.. dont always want things to go your way.. compromise., understand.. listen to people.. i kept mum for so long.. now that ive said everything out to YOU., u think it through.. whether still frens or not, up to you.. haiya.. wad the hell..

its as if a typhoon just passed my room.. (-.-') books and papers everywhere.. floor dirty.. table messy.. for the past week ive couped myself at home to study.. SERIOUSLY AMAZING RIGHT? i didnt know im capable of mugging too.. spent valentines day studying for least 3/4 of that day.. sad-ed..

ive noticed that im becoming more impatient., my temper's changing too.. AND im becoming alot more talkative.. sometimes i listen tooooo much to people that i feel like exploding..
SHOOT~ but ive also realised that what i talk about most frequently are things that ive done with my frens, or things that my frens did that are sooo adorable..

i didnt switch off my light last night before going to sleep cos i fell asleep studying.. HAI.. the reluctance of waking up in the mornings...............................

Songs ive been addicted to lately:

DBSK - kiss shita mama, sayonara
Rain - Rainism
Rain - Love story
David Archuleta - Crush
Christina aguilera - Hurt
Taeyang(big bang) - Look only at me/나만바라봐
DBSK - Ride on
Kyuhyun, Ryeowook(piano) - The first feeling
Frankie J - Dont wanna try
Big bang - haru haru
Big Bang - Lie

Shows that are "MUST - WATCH" to me currently:

its a korean entertainment program where celebrity couples are put together to live a make-believe married life.. all of them are given concepts to follow.. personal favourites.. andy-solbi, hyunjoong-hwangbo(younger husband, older wife), hwanhee-hwayobi(R&B couple), kangin-yoonji(university students)..

korean drama.. its a korean version of meteor garden, or of hana yori dango.. it started out as a "wanna see hyunjoong acting" thingy.. but the show is really nice.. so im following it everyweek..

is it really confirmed that xiaozhu is coming to sg in the coming april.?

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小猪 罗志祥

Super junior

Dong Bang Shin Ki
FT Island

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Music ;

christina aguilera mp3 - christina aguilera videos
Lyrics | Christina Aguilera lyrics

Sweet Escapes ;
Si Rong
Jonathan Q
Si Qin
Su Juan

Her Memories ;

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